The Life Of Molly
Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Molly Longchamps and I am 18 years old!
Here is where you can learn more about my life!
Here is a picture that I love:
Here are the answers to four important questions:
- An IP address is a sequence of numbers that represent a location or origin of a website.
- A domain name helps identify what domain a website belongs to. The domain name is the IP address that people can read and understand. When you type in a website, that is the domain name, but behind that is what the computer understands which is the IP address. For every doamin name there is an IP address.
- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
- The defult page name for a webside it index.html.
- The image html tag is img src=link.
Here you can find out about me!
Here is my Javascript project!
Here is my Python project!
Look at my Web development !